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We have two branches: 3_4_branch which remains JDK 1.5 and master/4_x which is JDK8. New development will be limited to master.

January 6, 2019: FlatPack 4.0.4 is released, see the change log

FlatPack Introduction

FlatPack came out of the frustration of having to mix file parsing logic with business logic.

FlatPack on SourceForge: a Java (1.8+) flat file parser that handles CSV (including values containing ','), fixed length and custom delimiters. The formats can be configured in XML, it is fast and released under Apache license 2.0.

Starting at release 3.1, FlatPack introduces exporters via the writer package. This mechanism allows you to export a DataSet to a fixed length or delimited format. A big thank you to Dirk and Holger from the Mule project for the initial code contribution. FlatPack should integrate nicely with Mule, the open source choice for integration and SOA.

Substrings in a fixed width parse can be daunting to deal with when trying to analyze what existing code is doing, and what about when you have no comments...

We also provide delimited file parsing ; works with any delimiter / qualifier, multiline records, delimiter or qualifier allowed in column value.

A manual is available as Word document or a PDF .

FlatPack is part of the ObjectLab Kit family.

What does FlatPack do?

It parses or creates Delimited files (e.g. CSV) or Fixed Width 'files'.

  • CSV, TAB, Fixed Width, etc Readers and Writers.
  • It is reasonable and fast.
  • It can handle large files/records (see BuffReaderDelimiterFactory) or read everything in memory.
  • You do not need to know ALL the column names, columns can be ignored/added/removed without breaking your code.
  • You do not need to know the order of columns, columns order can be modified without breaking your code.
  • The column names are case insensitive by default: record.getString("StATUs") is ok.
  • If you parse everything in memory, you can restart the dataSet, skip records, go back etc.
  • Java 8 stream like interface: e.g. CsvParserFactory.newInMemoryParser(..reader...).parseAsStream().filter(xxx).map(yyy).collect(zzz).

Why should you use FlatPack?

There is more to it than one could imagine at first sight:

  • Problem Sorting Data Prior To File Processing?
    • FlatPack provides a sorting mechanism for your flat files. This allows for your data to be properly sorted before processing your business logic.
  • Bad Numeric Data?
    • Do you often receive numeric data with dollar signs, or commas? FlatPack has the ability to strip these out and return as a double or int. Even empty elements or hard spaces can be converted to a numeric without issue.
  • Problems With One Bad Record Blowing Up The Entire Parse?
    • Bad records get excluded from the DataSet and added to an error collection. This error collection can be checked at the end of the parse to report on bad records. A description of the error and the line number in the file is provided. Why blow up an entire import for one bad record?

Which JDK?

1.8 and up

How do I use it?

Basic Steps

  1. Obtain a Parser from a parser factory (DefaultParserFactory) with a File, InputStream, or a reader(coming soon)
  2. Set additional Parser options, Parser.setAnOption()
  3. Obtain a DataSet Parser.parse()
  4. Call to advance record pointer
  5. Process columns; DataSet.getString("colname"), getInt("colname"), getDouble("colname"), getDate("colname"), etc
  6. Check for parse errors; DataSet.getErrors()

New JDK8 to Read Delimited File

package net.sf.flatpack;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* JDK 8 Streaming test.
* @author Benoit Xhenseval
public class StreamingTest extends TestCase {
private static class Test {
private String itemName;
private BigDecimal price;
public String getItemName() { return itemName; }
public void setItemName(final String itemName) { this.itemName = itemName; }
public BigDecimal getPrice() { return price; }
public void setPrice(final BigDecimal price) { this.price = price; }
public void testContains() {
final String cols = "item,price,purchaseDate\r\n"//
+ "MacBook,1890.20,20140523\r\n"//
+ "Surface3,850.00,20140524\r\n"//
final Parser p = DefaultParserFactory.newCsvParser(new StringReader(cols));
final List<Test> ds = //
.map(t -> {
final Test r = new Test();
return r;
})// Mapping from Record to Test
.filter(t -> "Surface3".equals(t.getItemName())) // only keep the Surface3 (why???)
// test record 1 with Data in file!
assertEquals("Size", 1, ds.size());
final Test test = ds.get(0);
assertEquals("Item", "Surface3", test.getItemName());
assertTrue("Price", new BigDecimal("850").compareTo(test.getPrice()) == 0);

Handling a LARGE TAB Delimited File

package net.sf.flatpack.xml;
import net.sf.flatpack.Parser;
import net.sf.flatpack.brparse.BuffReaderParseFactory;
public class TestLoad {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
// use BuffReaderParseFactory for Buffered Reader --> Able to handle LARGE files.
final Parser parser = BuffReaderParseFactory.getInstance().newDelimitedParser(new FileReader("My large TAB Delimited file"), '\t', '"');
parser.parseAsStream().stream().forEach(ds -> {
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New way to Read Delimited File With Immutable Record

// Obtain the proper parser for your needs: basic CSV Parser with column Header
Parser parser = CsvParserFactory.newForwardCsvParser(new FileReader("DataFile.csv"));

//obtain DataSet
StreamingDataSet ds = parser.parseAsStream();

while ({ //loop through file
    Record record = ds.getRecord(); // immutable object, you can give it to a thread.
    String value = record.getString("mycolumnName"); // columns name are case INsensitive

Reading Delimited File With Column Mapping

//Obtain the proper parser for your needs
Parser parser = DefaultParserFactory.getInstance().newDelimitedParser(
    new FileReader("map.fpmap.xml"), //xml column mapping
    new FileReader("DataFile.txt"), //txt file to parse
    ',', //delimiter
    '"', //text qualfier
    false); //ignore the first record (may need to be done if first record contain column names)

//obtain DataSet
DataSet ds = parser.parse();

while ({ //loop through file

Reading Delimited File Column Names In First Record Of File

//Obtain the proper parser for your needs
Parser parser = DefaultParserFactory.getInstance().newDelimitedParser(
    new FileReader("DataFile.txt"), //txt file to parse
    ',', //delimiter
    '"'); //text qualifier

//obtain DataSet
DataSet ds = parser.parse();

while ({ //loop through file

Reading Fixed Width File

//Obtain the proper parser for your needs
Parser parser = DefaultParserFactory.getInstance().newFixedLengthParser(
    new FileReader("map.fpmap.xml"), //fixed with column map
    new FileReader("DataFile.txt")); //txt file to parse

//obtain DataSet
DataSet ds = parser.parse();

while ({ //loop through file

Reading a Message of Fixed Width

final String msg = "data data2 data3 data4"
//Obtain the proper parser for your needs
Parser parser = DefaultParserFactory.getInstance().newFixedLengthParser(
    new FileReader("map.fpmap.xml"), //fixed with column map to bind col names
    new StringReader(mag)); //data to parse

//obtain DataSet
DataSet ds = parser.parse();

while ({ //loop through file

Using SLF4J With FlatPack

Slf4j is utilized to capture logging information that occurred during a parse.
By default, this information will be logged to the console. SLF supports the following loggers; log4j, jcl, nop, and jdk1.4.
Please go to to download the proper jar for your logging preference. Here is a typical SLF4j setup:

SLF-api-XXX.jar + SLF-MyLoggerPreference.jar + MyLogger.jar (lo4j.jar for example)

Here are the steps that would need to be taken for log4j:

1. Install log4j.jar
2. Setup or log4j.xml
3. Install SLF-api-XXX.jar
4. Install SLF-log4j12-XXX.jar